Speaker Experience @ WordCamp Mumbai 2017

Into the WordPress industry over the while now through NewVariable, this was my first time experience as a Speaker @ WordCamp Mumbai 2017, and it was indeed a fabulous episode. Steering my day out from Pune to Mumbai on Day 1, early in the morning, to reach the venue at Bandra, Mumbai, was a lovely drive. I have not exactly been to a lot of WordCamps before and this time attending the event that also being a speaker, to be honest, made me a bit anxious.

When I reached the location, the registrations were being done and the kit was being handed out to all the attendees, speakers and sponsors by the volunteers. I must say, from the beginning and until the end, I found the volunteers to be the most hardworking people throughout the event. The energy, enthusiasm, support and motivation with which they move along, defines the strength and power of the WordPress community in itself.

Next after having some good breakfast and tea, I was all excited to hear about WordPress community involvements, and technicalities of WordPress by some very interesting and experienced people of the industry.

Post these sessions, we had a sumptuous lunch which was super yummy. Met some of the people in the industry, understanding the roles they play with WordPress, and trying to beat the Mumbai heat, after a glass of fresh juice from a cafe nearby, I was back into the hall hearing some wonderful people sharing stories of their experiences and having healthy discussions to help the audience learn from them. That ended the day 1 of WordCamp for me.

After hanging out around the venue for a while, with friends, I was off to prepare myself for my session on the next day. To which, I failed terribly. After all that is what friends are for. Dinner plans, and driving around the city made me tired enough to crash directly to get a fresh start on the next day.

After reaching the Mumbai WordCamp venue on the next day, I was extremely nervous for my session which was the 3rd on the day. The second day was focused more on the business experiences of people involved in the WordPress industry. After the informative and interactive sessions by the smart bloggers, I was there on the podium before I knew it.

Looking at the amazing audience in front of me, made me feel confident. And here I was to share my experiences and understanding on the importance of knowing your customer. I tried to cover some critical conversations on our Customers, the way they think, the way they perceive what we deliver and their expectations, my journey through the same and how we can make a difference in this epic client-vendor relationship.

Here are my slides if you would like to go through for your reference.

And I deeply appreciate the love and respect that was showered on me through out my session. The best part of it all was I felt I was successful enough in making people connect to my talk, and the response they showed me was overwhelming and totally unexpected. I would really want to thank all the people involved in WordCamp Mumbai for this wonderful opportunity and trusting me through it. I truly acknowledge this part of the community that lets people be open to ideas, help them evolve and explore this arena of WordPress. Cheers to everyone!

Moving onto the day, through some good food, we had a great time networking with people around, discussing our outlooks, brainstorming through our beliefs and listening to some more sessions by great speakers sharing their knowledge on entrepreneurship, adventures of their day to day ordeals and their learning from them.

And I came back being much more refreshed, passionate, keen and eager to take upon the realm of WordPress in a much effective manner and incorporate into NewVariable.

Kudos to everyone who put this event together!

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